Monday 25 July 2011

Intro to Rock

Above: Andy getting stuck in.

Yesterday I was at Almscliff running the second day of an Intro to Rock Climbing course for Rosie and Andy. This course also includes the teaching of rigging bottom and top ropes as the couple want to be able to look after themselves whilst they make the transition for indoors to out.

We had covered a lot of rigging on our first session at Ilkley in the rain, so time was saved at the start of the day and more time was spent climbing and focusing on movement basics. Rosie and Andy climbed most of the classic easy routes on the Lower Man, with a bit of bouldering thrown in to coach some footwork. After a spot of lunch, the theme of Rosie and Andy rigging continued as we switched our attention to some chimnies (you don't get many of these inside). We wrapped up the day with a focused rigging session to cement the teachings of the 2 days. We still have an evening session to do, but the 2 days have been a success.

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