Sunday 31 March 2013

SPA Training

Over the weekend I have been running an SPA Training in the Peak.  There is still a lot of snow around, but enough rock to run a full course.

Yesterday we went to Stanage Apparent North for the personal climbing section of the award.  This gave each candidate the chance to lead a couple of routes each, and also look at a personal abseil.  We then moved onto the Foundry to look at the use of climbing wall and introduce the groups aspect of the syllabus.

Today we went to the small bay at Lawrancefield.  Despite the snow in the quarry, the top was pretty clear, so anchors were not difficult to find.  The normal abseil spot needed a small cornice removing, but was good to go after that.  It was a thorough day of group work, with everyone getting a lot out of the training.

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